Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Terrible Twos are Over....Right?

Clare had a birthday on Monday. She is now three years old and officially over the terrible twos....right? Sigh.... More later on her adventures into the realm of true creative naughtiness. Clare had a good birthday complete with muffins for breakfast which she helped make.. and sample. We played at McDonalds and had icecream. She is a beautiful little girl and a lot of fun...Very busy fun. Clare sampling the corn muffins
Clare enjoying her cupcake with chocolate frosting.

When I was on the phone with my sister this morning I got neglectful in my motherly duties and was not paying attention to what my darling pair of kidos were doing. Clare had found my Jergens "Intensive Rescue" lotion and a paint brush. Interesting combination. Hyrum ended up getting a complete paint job in hypoallergenic and unfragranced lotion. Our bedroom wall was also treated to some extra moisturizing lotion. After a short bath Hyrum is lotion free...(although his skin and hair [as well as the wall] do have a soft and healthy glow)

Clare colored in her new princess book...and on the countertop...this was before the lotion incident. Ooops! gotta go, Hyrum just broke a glass and cut his hand a little. I wonder how he got that glass.......CLARE!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Funny Farm said...

ahhh... I'm laughing my head off... only because I can relate, and soon I'll be doing it x2 like you are. You'll be laughing at me in a year when Lemur paints baby #8 with something, only knowing him, it will be real paint! Glad you are capturing the moments. It will be funny... one of these days... in about 20 years.