Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It has been forever since I made a post. We have been so busy that it just hasn't happened. First my Mom came down to visit us for a couple of days and we had lots of fun with her. It was super fun to have her here. We shopped and cooked and watched "Reba" and hung out and talked. Thanks Mom for coming to see us. While Mom was here we invited my Aunt and Uncle a some of their married children that live around here to come and have lunch with us and chat. It was so fun to have them here. I have not had the opportunity to get to know any of my cousins very much because we lived so far away from them as I was growing up. It was good to have them here and hang out for a while. We managed to maim only one of them too. Poor little Janie got a good wack on the head after she fell back in the bar stool she was sitting in. I felt so terrible. Hopefully there were no residual effects.
After Mom left we got busy working on the basement painting, ripping up carpet, pad and old tack strip and installing all of the new pad and tack strip. We had a friend who does carpet professionally come and install the carpet for us. It looks so great. I have also been working on refinishing a twin bed for Clare. I will include pix of that when I get done.

1 comment:

kjha said...

Don't worry...Jane just has a little twitch, nothing so horrible as that carpet :)