Monday, June 29, 2009

Here fishy, fishy

Saturday we had a family night at Mantua Reservoir. David wanted to go fishing so we packed up the kids, got KFC chicken and headed up. Of course David can't fish where everyone else does so we had to go around on a dirt road to the other side of the reservoir and then hike about a mile around to get to the perfect spot. I don't mind, it was so beautiful! I love Mantua and the weather was gorgeous. There was lush green glass and wild flowers and the beautiful mountains al around us. Big snakes, big fish, and big mosquitoes. Saw them all. Here are some pictures. Clare and Hyrum mostly liked playing with the worms the best. They really liked the big mealy worms.....shiver. I HATE mealy worms.
David found the jackpot at this little spot. He caught four bass, this was a little one. My batteries died right after this so I didn't get the little one that Clare reeled in or the big bass that David caught on his last cast. GRrRRRr. He also caught countless little bluegill, not worth a pic.

Daddy and Hyrum

These wild daisies grew all over the hillside.

Clare and Daddy. I love this picture.


The Funny Farm said...

Super cute pictures Es! Good job! Glad you guys got out and had some fun, looks wonderful. Wish we were there.

David and Esther said...

sorry, just an experiment