Monday, June 22, 2009

Long Time

It has been SO LONG since I posted last. A lot has happened. First, I want to give a shout out to Erin Miller for being so awesome and doing the new design on my blog. She was a companion of mine on my mission and someone I have a lot of respect for. Her button "Designer Blogs" appears at the bottom of the side bar and she does awesome work for a great deal. Check it out.
We have been busy at our house. Since it is up for sale we are working hard at getting all of the little projects finished and keeping it clean so that we can show it.
Last week the kids and I went to my sister's house and hung out for a couple of days with her and her family. She has an adorable new baby that is just a beautiful new doll and a blessing to be around. Carla is an amazing person and an incredible Mom. She gets so much done and still keeps her house clean and her kids happy. I enjoyed being around all (eight) of her great kids.
David's parents got home from their mission the week before last. We are so glad to have them back! Their homecoming was yesterday and their talks were GREAT. It's really cool to see the spirit of missionary work lingering in their countenances and their love of the Navajo people that they served.

1 comment:

The Funny Farm said...

Ilove the new blog look. Very, very, VERY cute!