Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A New Family Member

We just increased our family number by one! Our new addition has blonde curly hair and blue eyes. He loves to be snuggled and cuddled and is very close to potty trained at 8 1/2 weeks! We call him Benny and are already in love with him. Our new addition is a puppy! We have been looking at cockapoo puppies for many months but they run fairly expensive (usually in the area of $500+) so we haven't done anything about it. Yesterday I was on ksl and decided to look and see what they had. We found this 8 1/2 week old cockapoo puppy whose owners couldn't keep him anymore because they are going into the air force. We already love him and I've turned into one of those crazy people that talk about their pets as if they are their kids. Mom, you are a Grandma again! Joking. Wish us luck on our new venture as pet owners.


The Funny Farm said...

I didn't know you were looking for a puppy, how fun! Hope he is easy to finish potty training! I bet the kids love him. I'll meet him tomorrow!

Palmer's Paradise said...

How cute! Good luck with Benny! Jess would LOVE one of those. Steve would not. I keep reminding him that his "special " dog Muffin was a lap dog. He's decided Muffin was a small regular-sized dog...duh. I'll just have to come pet your dog!