Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Hyrum!

Today is Hyrum's 1st birthday. It had been a year of blessings since we welcomed him into our home. I will probably never have an easier child. He is happy and smiling all of the time. He loves his Daddy a TON and never smiles quite as big as when his Daddy is holding him. We love him so much and are so glad that he is a part of our family. Here are some pictures of him last night at a little family get-together that we had. We decided to do a spur of the moment game night/birthday party last night. We invited some of David's family over to play games, soak in the hot tub, and eat, eat eat! It was so much fun and are so glad that David's sisters and their families made such an effort to come. Here are some pix of our weekend.

Once again, Clare is naked. Yes, that is how she spends most of her day. I can't keep any clothes on that girl. Hopefully is is a stage that will pass.

1 comment:

The Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday Hy!! You look so grown up, wow. Hope you had a very fun day. Know all of us crazies at the Funny Farm love you very much!!