Monday, July 12, 2010

Solutions anyone?

So I'm pretty sure that I have PUPPPS disease. Every square inch of my body is covered in an EXTREMELY itchy red rash. The only parts that have been spared are my face and the bottoms of my feet. I need any input available from anyone on how to relieve the itching! I am desperate and think I may go out of my mind before too long. Help PLEASE! So far anything that the doctors have prescribed has been a joke. After almost four weeks of this I am ready to try anything.
And by the way.....I think that this disease was created by Al Quiada to drive the infidel white pregnant women mad. It's a brilliant strategy....with a bunch of insane, itchy women out there, the nation will fall under the control of militant islam much sooner, especially if they have the cure for this disease. The Infidel women would most likely sell their souls for relief.
You see, I'm rambling. Do you need any more proof people?


EJNielsen said...

Ohh I remember having that with my first and it sucked! I only had it on my torso but in July, in Hawaii it was bad. I used Burt's Bees Res-Q Ointment on the areas that hurt the most. The rest I used baby powder to keep it dry since sweat made it worse. My Dr said to stay a cool as possible and take cold showers. Mine didn't last the whole pregnancy just 3 months I think, but it was the summer time and three months is long.
Hang in there!

glen-denise-vince-mckee-cam said...

i'd totally go to the docs office and say "i'm not leaving until you fix me/make me feel better"
there has to be something that will take the itch away!

glen-denise-vince-mckee-cam said...

i found this on a website. have you asked your doc about some steriod creams?


How is PUPP Treated?
In most cases treatment of PUPP involves high strength steroid creams or ointments, applied 5 to 6 times a day to relieve the itching and prevent any further spread of the rash. Once the rash is under control, changing to a lower strength steroid used less frequently is advisable

In other cases oral steroids can be used to help control the itching

David and Esther said...

sign in

The Funny Farm said...

I've sent you all the knowledge I have... praying lots now... and next... go to a witch doctor? The only thing I remember helping when I had it was the steroid creams and cool, lots of cool. I had it in December, so I just lay naked in the snow... I know, it was a beautiful sight.