Monday, July 13, 2009

The Cuteness

Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen? Clare loves having her fingernails/toenails painted and begged her Daddy to "painting please?" David did such a good job and was sooooo cute doing it; even as he was saying "Esther, do NOT get the camera and take a picture of this." just as I was running to get my camera to capture this tender moment between my baby girl and her Daddy. He knows me so well. What a great catch I got!
We have been taking daily bike-rides as a family. Of course we had to stop at the store and get some ice-cream to eat when we got home. We are Messsssssssy.


Erin said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever! Isn't it the little stuff like that, that makes life and being parents so wonderful? Love it!

EJNielsen said...

That's such a tender moment. Next time tell David to paint Hyrum's nails too!

The Funny Farm said... cute! David needs to give Hunter lessons. Maybe if Bunny Rabbit was a girl he'd do it, but I doubt he'd to it to Bee or Penguin. ICE CREAM without ME!!! WHHAAAAT???!!! Traitor.

David and Esther said...

I'm still figuring some stuff out.